Статья скопирована с оф сайта hp ссылка
3CBLSG16 - 3Com Baseline Switch 2916-SFP Plus
3CBLSG24 - 3Com Baseline Switch 2924-SFP Plus
3CBLSG24PWR - 3Com Baseline Switch 2924-PWR Plus
3CBLSG48 - 3Com Baseline Switch 2948-SFP Plus
From a console connection:
Enter the following key sequence (CTRL/SHIFT - (minus)) ONCE at the appropriate time
Baseline 2924
Power cycle the switch:
When "Testing the System SDRAM........PASS" is seen
CTRL/Shift - (minus)
When "Autoboot in 2 seconds- press Return or Esc" is seen
Press Enter Immediately
At The Startup Menu
Select [3] Password Recovery
Select [5] Back
If "Autboot" does not appear, you have missed the opportunity to break-in.
Baseline 2916
Power cycle the switch:
Testing the System SDRAM........PASS
Boot1 Checksum Test
CTRL / Shift - (minus)
When "Autoboot in 2 seconds- press Return or Esc" is seen
Press Enter Immediately
At The Startup Menu
Select [3] Password Recovery
Select [5] Back
Baseline 2948
With a console connected reboot the device
Ctrl/C to enter Failsafe Mode
CFE>reset -sysreset
Baseline Switch Family - How to recover a forgotten password
Lost or forgotten password
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